Susannah Rose Stokes

Embodied Consciousness Guide | Maestra of Energetic Flow

A Master in her signature form of NeuroReiki, Ceremonial Facilitator of Sacred Medicine and former Marine Officer, Susannah brings 15+ years (and many lifetimes) of experience to guide you through your spiritual awakening journey.

I'm Susannah, Your Embodied Consciousness Guide

See My Offerings

Sacred Season Certification Program

13 Week Supplement-Assisted Program Designed to Activate You into Your Highest Power by Cleansing and Aligning your Energetic Channel.

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PowerFull Purpose Certification Program

13 Week Supplement-Assisted Program designed to Activate You into Your Most Power-Full Purpose by Remembering Who You Are and Why You Came Here.

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Sacred Ceremony

Personalized Onsite 2-Night Retreat with a Sacred Ceremony with a Macro Medicine Journey and Luxury Accommodations in the Blue Ridge Mountains.

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Sacred Season Certification Program

Sacred Season is a 13-week supplement-assisted program designed to activate you into your highest power by cleansing and aligning your Energetic Channel.

  • 13 Weeks of Personalized Support to Open Your Energetic Channel
  • 13 Week Micro Supplement Regimen
  • NeuroReiki Layer 1 Attunement & Certification 
  • 30+ Hours of Resources in One Cohesive Online Course
  • Optional Upgrade to include 6 x 1:1 Transformation Coaching Sessions
  • Energetic Recalibration through Clearing Your Subtle Energy Body
  • "In Your Pocket" Support via the Sacred Season WhatsApp Group
  • Access to the Metamorphosis Community & Monthly Integration Calls

Starting at $1500


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PowerFull Purpose Certification Program

A 13-week, supplement-assisted program designed to activate you into your most Power-Full Purpose by Remembering who you are and why you came here.

  • 13 Weeks of Personalized Energetic Channel Activation Support 
  • 13 Week Micro Supplement Regimen 
  • NeuroReiki Layer 2 Attunement & Certification 
  • 40+ hours of Resources in One Cohesive Online Course
  • 3 x 60-minute 1:1 Transformation Coaching Sessions
  • 3 x Group Mastermind calls with expert healers & guides 
  • Energetic Recalibration by Activating Your PowerFull Purpose
  • "In Your Pocket" Support via PowerFull Purpose WhatsApp Group
  • Access to the Metamorphosis Community & Monthly Integration Calls

Packages from $5000


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Sacred Ceremony

1:1 personalized on-site 3 day, 2 night retreat with a Sacred Macro Ceremonial journey so you may shed what is no longer serving you to spread your wings and fly!

  • Sacred Ceremony with our community's carefully-curated medicine (donation-based)
  • 2 x 1:1 Integration Coaching Calls
  • 10+ Hours of Resources in One Cohesive Online Course
  • Luxury Private Accommodations in the Blue Ridge Mountains
  • Customized home-cooked meals during your stay
  • Transportation to and from Asheville Regional Airport
  • Healing on all 4 Layers through NeuroReiki, IFS, NLP, & Psycho-Somatic Techniques
  • “In Your Pocket” Support via 1:1 WhatsApp Chat
  • Access to the Metamorphosis Community & Monthly Integration Calls
  • Inquire for Couples or Small Groups!

$4000 + $400 suggested donation for ceremony


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I'm Susannah,

Your Embodied Consciousness Guide.


I am in service to your highest growth by helping you explore the healing powers of non-ordinary states of consciousness, and then bring your wisdom back “down to Earth.”


How Did I Get Here?


I began my life journey connecting with this powerful Earth–known to some as Pachamama and Gaia–on an organic blueberry farm in the Georgia countryside. 


There, I discovered the interconnectedness of all things and the unlimited power that our Mother Earth provides.


After becoming a Marine Corps Officer and experiencing the trauma of war first-hand, I went through a spiritual awakening and became a dedicated “Warrior for Peace.” I am now a Master Reiki & Energy Flow Practitioner and have developed my own form of NeuroReiki that I am delighted to share with you. I am fascinated by the power that raising our vibration can have on ourselves and the collective, leading me to focus my thesis and research work on altered states of consciousness as a means for social change. This wisdom has led me on my own journey toward a deeper purpose and understanding of how we may step into our power. Now is the time to awaken, my dear friends–I invite you to join us for your Metamorphosis and see how powerful you truly are.



Let Others Inspire You

"I can’t begin to describe the experience in a short comment but can say that Susannah once again tapped into some unknown depth of Universal Consciousness and my purpose hit me all at once in a profound, unexpected, non-drug-induced way on an unassuming Sunday morning on week 12 integration week [of the PowerFull Purpose Program]. I can only describe it as a profound remembering of why I came here in this lifetime. And it was nothing I was looking for or expecting. I would be remiss if I didn’t say that in hindsight there are echoes of the last 13 weeks ringing in my ears. Thank you Susannah."

Kelly T.

"I can not thank you enough for the last few days. You are doing such a brilliant job living, loving and breathing your life’s work with such flow, grace and ease. It was such an honor to be a part, to bear witness to your magic and to receive your sacred medicine.  This experience was and is truly incredible. I have so loved the time spent and look forward to the next opportunity. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the impact you have made and the inspiration that you are."

Courtney S.

"Today was the first time I experienced not being dissociated. Through Sacred Season, I have realized that I have not had a reference, and embodied experience of what it feels like to be safe and secure from a rooted childhood or chakra, for example. So, since I had a pre-birth trauma, I feel like my soul did not feel welcome in the body. A gentle welcome in, enlivened my body gently, and I could feel the glow of my aura around my sensed body. Now we could say that I actually know what is meant by dissociation because I now know, have felt a sense of, being embodied."

Mary W.

"I want to thank you for an incredible mind-opening and heart-opening experience. I am so grateful to you for holding space for me, for sharing your brilliance so that I could learn from you, and for opening your whole heart to me."

Matt S.

"The wisdom you shared with me and these incredible energy-moving experiences are truly transcendent. It’s so lovely having you helping me in this path and to learn from you."

Dana C.

"I began this journey from a place of scarcity and lack. Through this [Sacred Season] course, I was reminded of the Sacred in me. It opened my heart into joy."

Sarah A.

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